Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life After War for Soldiers and Families.

  After the Egyptians won the war some of the soldiers are still ready to protect Egypt in the case of an attack, but some are ready to retire.  Here's what would happen when a soldier retires.  First, the family and the soldier move into a new house.  Then the soldier wuld get some of money for the excellent service he did.  Then when the soldier dies, his burrial is covered by the King's expenses.

Leaders of the battle...the Pharaos!

The all so fab Pharaos were in fact leaders of the battle. They did have a lot on there hands. They had to fortify forts, lead the men to battle, and take over campaigns. I would be serest out by a 100 times by infinity. But in the end it would be worth it right? Sometimes the Pharaos will be K.I.A.(killed in action) or they will lose land or lose the battle. But still they are the kings so they will try to get land and win the battle tell the end.

The Egyptian Soldiers and their Weapons.

How can someone have an army without soldiers and weapons? Back in the times of the ancient kings the lands needed an army.  So the Egyptians needed an army.  At first they started off with guys who had any kind of weapon they could get.  Then they started having a formal army.  And they also discovered bronze, which like I said in my first post is a mixture of copper and tin.  Egyptians had other kinds of weapons.  They had axes, swords, spears, javelins, bows and arrows, and shields.  Man, that's a mouth full!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The super distructve battles.

The first battle the Egyptians ever had is when they had a civil war in the old kingdom.  The Egyptian King at the time decided that he should bring together upper Egypt and lower Egypt.  Later, King Ramsses decided to invade the Palestines. Even though the Palestines had more advanced weapons, the Egyptians still won!  I know, that's crazy, right?  But still, it's not the weapons that count; It's the mind.  So King Ramsses and his army won because of King Ramsses excellent battle tactics.

What Egyptinans did before, during, and after battle step by step.

War has been declared on the Egyptians.  So, what do they do?  The first thing they do is that they go to towns in Egypt and recruit men.  Then they start making the bronze weapons, which is a mixture of copper and tin.  And then they have a big ceremony before they go off to battle (good food and a big bon fire).  Next, they go to the battlefield, charging like a herd of stampeding wildebeest chased by hunters. Afterward, the soldiers get prisoners. I wonder if an enemy who didn't want to get captured would say, "You will never get me alive!"? In the end, the Egyptians will count how many dead enemies are on the battlefield (ewww gross).